Midweek Service

Our Tuesday morning service at St Anne's is held in the chapel under the main church building. This has easier access for people using walking aids. A special feature of this shortened Holy Communion service is that we pray for those known to us who are incapacitated or unwell.

The service runs for about half an hour and is followed by Morning Tea. It provides another option for those whose work or family circumstances make attendance at Sunday services difficult.

We aim to assist with transport (local area only) for those who would otherwise find it difficult to get here. Contact the Church Office for more information.

Our Mission

Helping people find and follow Jesus

The wider population in the parish who don’t know Jesus .The people across our parish who want to mature as disciples


St Anne’s is located at the corner of Homebush Road and Beresford Road, Strathfield. It is in walking distance of both Strathfield and Homebush railway stations.

(02) 9746 6349
PO Box 456, Strathfield, 2135